Theater Arts
I have worked as a producer, costume designer, set fabricator, puppeteer and more over the past twenty years. Here are snippets from a few of these productions.

The Human Dream Project
I performed and puppeteered in this show at The Tank in NYC as a featured production in May 2024. I collaboratively worked on devising Admiral Gray’s show with the Snake in the Boot Collective at two funded residencies: Springville Center for the Arts and The Tank in winter 2023/2024.
The Way at Midnight
“A humorous and incisive performance questioning the role cartography has played in colonization, and the way that legacies live in our bodies and affect our lives. Two actors become seven characters on an interconnected journey to reckon with -- and maybe even reimagine -- their inheritance and ancestry. “
The Way at Midnight is directed by Joanna Russo, produced by Dan Pruksarnukul, performed by Hannah Pepper-Cunningham and Nick Slie, costumes by Zibby Jahns and music by Peter Bowling in 2017.
The Night Market
“The Night Market” is a performance and installation written and designed by Case Miller together with Zibby Jahns that was presented in 2015 at the St. Roch Firehouse in New Orleans. The experimental work combined large-scale puppets, original music by Ratty Scurvics, costumes by Zibby Jahns, taxidermy work of visual artist Nina Nichols and live performances.
Cast members include Anais Adair, Alix Chapman, Ruth Mascelli, Renee Anderson, James Goedert, Zibby Jahns, Elyse Manning and Anna Young.

Blato Zlato’s Disovery of Voyager
At the Music Box in 2019
Folktales of Eastern Europe and Mediterranean
Traveling Performance on Bicycle, 2011
Waiting for Gumbo
A street theater re-staging of Waiting for Godot featuring Crawfish puppets in a French Quarter theater, 2009.
Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice performed by the Backyard Theater Company, 2005
An all youth run theater collective in Chicago under the direction of Francis Rabkin. I performed in and assisted with design for the Backyard Theater Company from 2004-2006.